Welcome to the Colorado Soccer 2021 Virtual Food Drive!
Colorado Soccer Association is hosting a virtual food drive to help Food Bank of the Rockies feed hungry families in Colorado and Wyoming. We realize that many people in our state struggle to put food on their tables, not just during the holidays, but every day - especially during a pandemic. We are asking the soccer community to rally together; will you join our efforts to feed people in need?
Due to COVID: no physical items, only online donations, please!
CSA has matched your $100+ donations up to our $1000 maximum and together we have surpassed our $2,500 goal! BUT, let's not give up yet! Only $1 more provides four meals or five pounds of food, so even a small donation can make a BIG difference! Together we are working to stop hunger in our state!
Click the Donate Now button to make your tax-deductible gift and thank you for your participation!!
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