Welcome To My Fundraising Page
I’m hosting a virtual food drive to help Food Bank of Wyoming feed hungry families. Will you help me and contribute to this important cause?
Every year, but especially this year, the need for donations to food banks and pantries is crucial. I remember as a kid always loading up canned goods and non perishables with my mom to donate to our local food pantry.
This year I just wanted to have that same memory. However with COVID, the Wyoming Food bank doesn't have the capacity to disinfect and ensure proper handling of actual goods so they are encouraging monetary donations.
So this month I am looking to help out the Wyoming Food Bank and asking for your support. Did you know the food bank can provide four meals or five pounds of food for just a dollar? Even a small donation can make a difference when you give through this virtual food drive. Click the Donate Now button to make your gift.
Together we can solve hunger. Thanks in advance for your help!
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