Welcome To My Fundraising Page
To my Porter ICU family:
During this past, very challenging year, we have all been fortunate enough to remain employed (and have even had ample opportunity to pick up extra shifts!!). Many people have not been so lucky. According to Food Bank of the Rockies:
1 in 7 people and 1 in 5 children face food insecurity in Colorado. And 1 in 6 people and 1 in 4 children are facing food insecurity in Wyoming.
96.5% of contributions made to Food Bank of the Rockies are directly invested in programs, and their monthly food distribution volume has increased by 50% over the same period last year, with some months more than 80% over pre-COVID-19 levels.
Please join me in making a contribution to this extremely valuable organization during the month of April, and helping to alleviate the pain of hunger that so many in our community are dealing with on a daily basis.
Thank you -
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Lee A Ludwigson
Rith Bowman
Trisha Godard Shepherd
Mr Michael Boin
Sara C Leiter
Mrs. wanda m. hubbard
Senorita Carmencita
Rita Godinez
Rob J
Petra Mullen
Afton Riddle
Carole A
Peggy Nagle
Carine Mazuel
Andrea Sanders
Nikki Schoolcraft
Fundraising Page Created By: Michael Boin
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